Updated version of the Magento CSS & JS Minifier
I’ve released the first version of the magento css&js minifier more than a year and half ago. Since then, it has been downloaded over 200 times – roughly 10 downloads per month. It’s a decent number, considering its utility and the fact that it hasn’t been promoted or included on Magento Connect. The first version was compatible with all Magento versions greater than 1.4. Starting with Magento 1.7, the extension failed to work on the admin pages, because of the -webkit-keyframes
css declarations.
What’s new in version 1.0.1
- Changed namespace from Oxygen to Mandagreen
- Upgraded JsMin to version 1.1.2
- Upgraded CssMin to version 3.0.1
- Added backend options for converting HSL values, converting font-weight values, converting named colors and replacing variables
Download & Install
Minifier for Magento (1504 downloads) , then unzip it and copy the app/ folder to your Magento root folder.
Logout from the admin if you’re already logged in, then log back in. Go to Cache Management, click on the “Flush cache storage” button, then go to Configuration > Developer and Enable javascript minifier and css minifier under CSS & JS Minifier. Also, make sure that “Merge JavaScript Files” and “Merge CSS Files” are enabled, under JavaScript Settings, and CSS Settings respectively. Go back to Cache Management and click the “Flush Javascript/CSS cache” button.
Upgrading from 0.1.0
If you’re already using the first version of the extension, you’ll need to remove the old files. Go to your magento root folder, then navigate to the etc/modules folder. Remove the file called Oxygen_Minifier.xml. Then, navigate to app/code/local and remove the Oxygen folder (or Oxygen/Minifier, if you have other modules with this namespace).
Next, issue the following mysql command, using the mysql console or PhpMyAdmin:
update core_config_data set path = replace(path, 'oxy_', 'mg') where path like '%oxy_minifier%';
You can now install the module as explained above.
This extension has been tested with all Magento CE versions 1.4 through 1.7.
Supporting the Module
If you enjoy using the Magento CSS & JS Minifier, help us improve it and make it even better. Since this project it entirely open source and free for everyone, we welcome any donations and consider them a sign of appreciation.
We also appreciate your feedback, both positive and negative, as long as they are constructive.
If any of you know how to package an extension for Magento Connect, I would appreciate the help. I’ve given up after 2 hours or repeated failures.
ok..thanks very much for your help…I was just a little worried…I appreciate your help very much! :o)
Nope, that’s how you should do it. The files in the archive don’t overlap with magento core files, so you won’t be overwriting anything actually, just merging the app, app/code and app/code/local folders.
I have a quick question…If I put the app folder in my root folder that will overwrite the Magento app folder….will that make problems for me?