
Posts Tagged ‘mootools’

The eternal question: jQuery or MooTools?

June 23rd, 2009

It’s been a while since my last post and even more since I first thought of writing a comparison post between MooTools, Prototype & jQuery. At that time (almost a year ago), I was a huge MooTools fan. Anyone who asked me “Hey I’m starting a new project, what javascript library should I use?” got the following answer: “MooTools, of course”. Nowadays, things have changed a bit and so has my vision on js frameworks.

Although my first intention was to compare Prototype, jQuery & MooTools, I’m going to only mention the last two in this post. Not that Prototype wouldn’t be a good choice, but because I have much more experience with the other two – and also because I’m not a big “fan” of Prototype. Anyway, besides these libraries, there are at least a dozen other full javascript frameworks that you could use, so in case this is your first time you hear of such things (hmm, I doubt it though), you should check out a few of them – Ext JS, YUI, dojo, MochiKit are some of the ones I checked, heard or used.

Back to our js “battle” – I believe I’m not the only one who had to decide which one to use. So, what did I choose? Both! Not in the same project, of course, but some of my projects use jQuery, some others are based on Moo Technology. You’ll probably say this is confusing and not helping you decide which one to use. First of all, I suggest you read this great article on jQuery vs MooTools – it was a great inspirational source for me and it also contains most of the language differences and basic approach. Then, let’s try and emphasis some of the key parts of using either of these two – I’m not going into code elements, you can check the manuals for that.


– very simple to use, so if you’re a designer or don’t have enough experience in programming (or OOP), stick to jQuery

– only one method to access dom elements – $() or jQuery() – this is great because it removes a lot of extra code, so instead of writing something like $$(selectors).each(function(el) {}) (mootools style) you can just write $(selectors).do()

– cool effects are very simple to use and can be applied really quick


– programatic approach, so if you’re a developer or an ex-programmer (and like OOP), this is for you

– two main methods for accessing dom elements – $() and $$() – again, the code is much more simple to understand when using $$(‘#id a.class’).each(), instead of the same $(‘#id a.class’) method as jQuery does. That’s why jQuery is simple, MooTools is “correct”

– the effects part of the library is very complex and allows a lot of chaining, grouping and transition effects. again, the only problem is that it takes a bit longer to write moo-code, than j-code.

Final Thoughts

I believe it’s clear enough what the main difference between jQuery and MooTools is: it’s HOW you write javascript code. No one can really tell jQuery is best, or MooTools rules – both of them are great libraries and both of them can come in handy if you know when to use them. From my own experience, I’d say if you have a small project, more design than development, use jQuery. If you have a more complex project, that involves more javascript code, maybe reusable elements, design patterns, classes, etc – use MooTools.

I remember that I didn’t like jQuery when I first got in touch with Moo, because it was very slow. I believe it sill is slower than Moo, but the difference is not that significant on small projects.

I think it’s best to know at least one js framework and stick to that, if it makes you more productive. But I also believe it’s only to your advantage to understand how others work.



Aaron Newton of Clientcide, the author of “jQuery vs MooTools”, added a disclaimer in his post, so I think it wouldn’t hurt to add one myself, otherwise I might get assaulted by un-happy prototype, extjs, dojo or yui developers 🙂 I’m currently using both MooTools and jQuery, and sometimes writing a few lines of code on Prototype. I don’t intend to promote either of these frameworks, it’s really up to you which one to choose. You could even write your own!

I’d be really glad to hear some of your thoughts on javascript libraries – which ones are you using and why, why you think a is better than b, etc.



Javascript , ,

Create a gallery with fade-in effects using Mootools

March 21st, 2009

I was working on a photo gallery a couple of days ago and I thought I’d write a tutorial on adding neat effects on a gallery of items (usually photos).

Demo | Mootools Gallery (928 downloads)

The problem

I was showing 12 photos on a page and I didn’t like how it loaded – it simply looked too static. So I though of adding a nice fade in effect to each item. This could be even more useful when loading the photos via an AJAX request, which I intend to add to that gallery at a later time. First, let’s take a look at the gallery HTML:

<ul class="gallery">
	<li class="clear">
		<a href="#"><img alt="img_01" src="img/01.jpg"/></a>
		<h2>Image #1</h2>
		<a href="#"><img alt="img_02" src="img/02.jpg"/></a>
		<h2>Image #2</h2>


		<a href="#"><img alt="img_12" src="img/12.jpg"/></a>
		<h2>Image #12</h2>

I’m gonna add some basic CSS on this list, just to make it look like a grid, rather than a list – of course you can apply any styling on it.

.gallery {width: 540px; margin: 0 auto;}
.gallery li {opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity = 0); float: left; width: 100px; padding: 5px 10px 15px;}
.gallery li.clear {clear: left;}
.gallery li img {border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 100px;}

You can’t tell from the missing li elements, but I’m clearing each 4th element to create a 4×3 grid. Ok – so far the grid is in place, but we need the animation part – we could use any javascrpit framework, but for this project I had to use Mootools – for those of you that haven’t seen it and don’t what it is about, here’s a quick overview from their site: MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer.

The solution

First, we need to fetch all li elements:

var li = $$(' li');

then apply the animation effect:

li.each(function(e) {
e.set('tween', {duration: 500, transition: 'back:in'}).tween('opacity', 0, 1);

A few comments on this last piece of code:

  • e.sets(…) – set the duration to 500 and transition to “backIn” to all tweens
  • e.tween(‘opacity’, 0, 1) – animate (or tween) opacity from 0 to 1, using the options defined above

If you run this code you can clearly see that it doesn’t exactly produce the desired effect – all photos fade-in at once, because of the way the code is executed. The trick is to add an incremented timeout to each element:

var i = 0; //the current timeout
li.each(function(e) {
  i += 100; //adding the increment
  setTimeout( function() {
    e.set('tween', {duration: 500, transition: 'back:in'}).tween('opacity', 0, 1);
  }, i);

And that’s all! We now have a nice item-by-item fade-in effect. It’s worth mentioning that this effect can be changed by tweaking the three variables: the delay for each item, the speed of the effect and the tween effect. On the demo page I’ve made it possible to change the delay & speed, so you can make an idea of how they affect the general effect. The third parameter can be changed using any mootools transition (

Demo | Mootools Gallery (928 downloads)

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